Ep24 – Get Laid Tonight with Dr. Chris Donaghue


Licensed clinical therapist, certified sex expert, and author of Sex Outside the Lines – Authentic Sexuality in a Sexually Dysfunctional Culture, Dr. Chris Donaghue stops by #NoFilter with Zack Peter to discuss the one thing we’re all afraid to talk about: sex.

Dr. Donaghue shares why he think sex is still so taboo. He also gives pointers on how to embrace your sexuality, take control of your sex life, and get laid tonight.

Be sure to purchase your copy of “Sex Outside the Lines” on Amazon.com

For more information on Dr. Chris Donaghue, be sure to follow him on Twitter: @ChrisDonaghue | Facebook: Dr. Chris Donaghue | Instagram: DrDonaghue AND go to www.chrisdonaghue.com

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