Ep52 – Why You’re Addicted to Your Phone with Alex Weber & Dr. Lisa Strohman


Face it – you’re constantly on your phone, checking Instagram, Tweeting, Snapchatting, Tindering… You’re basically addicted. We all are! Dr. Lisa Strohman, founder of the Technology Wellness Center and author of “Unplug: Raising Kids in a Technology Addicted World” stops by to discuss why we’re all so attached to our phones, why it’s so bad for us, and how we can break the bad habits. Also in this week’s episode: actor/comedian Alex Weber (MTV’s Greatest Party Story Ever Told) and Marie Nowacki return to #NoFilter to break down their own technology addiction and play a round of “Forreals or Forfake: Ridiculous Apps.”

Drink of the Week: Green Supreme by SUJA (Green Supreme organic cold pressed juice by SUJA, cucumber vodka, and lemon). Get this recipe and more at justplainzack.com

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Couldn’t get enough of us? Follow Zack @justplainzack, Alex @ImAlexWeber or imalexweber.com, and Dr. Strohman @DrLisaStrohman or drlisastrohman.com.

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